Safe Shopping | DenizBank
Safe Shopping

Shopping from the Internet via credit card is safer for DenizBank credit card holders

Shopping with credit cards using passwords!

Have you got your password?

What is Chip & Pin?

The Chip & Pin system is a safety implementation obligated by Visa/Mastercard which started worldwide. Forgery, fraud and counterfeiting in credit cards have become an increasing crime not only in Turkey but in the whole world. By Chip&Pin, credit card users now have a much safer payment system. The chip on the credit card provides protection against the copying of the card and the password (pin) prevent others from using it in case of loss or theft.

Safe Shopping on the Internet

DenizBank credit card owners have a new service which enables their shopping in Internet environment with credit cards be safer and which is supported an approved by MasterCard Visa.

In cyber stores included in this service, in order to prevent those other than yourself use your credit card with ill intentions, the security of this service is ensured by a special verification method.

Your credit card information is secured thanks to the password and the special message you determined at the time of your subscription to safe & secure online shopping system. The system ensures fully secure shopping as nobody but you know the password.

If you want a more secure online shopping experience, the first step you should take is to subscribe to Secure Shopping System. Upon subscription, to conclude each shopping transaction you will be asked for the password you created at the time of subscription.

On the screen you will see logos of 'DenizBank' and 'MasterCard Secure Code' / 'Verified by Visa'. In addition, the special message you previously determined will be monitored on the same screen so that you will be able to easily understand whether the web site is a secure one. When you type your password, your ID will be verified by DenizBank and it will be approved that the transaction in question is realized by nobody but you.

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