Investment Products | DenizBank

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Repo (repurchase agreement) is commitment by a seller to buy a security back from the purchaser at a designated date. You can deposit your savings with maturities starting from 1 day.

Mutual Funds

Mutual funds bring together different investment instruments, offering you diverse options to deposit your savings. You buy shares corresponding to the amount you invest. 

A-Type Variable Fund

Portfolio Composition: 25-90 % stocks, 10-75 % fixed income securities.
Recommended to: Investors who would like to benefit from the long-term high return potential of stocks.

A-Type Mixed Funds

Portfolio Composition: 25-60 % stocks, 20-40 % bills-bonds.
Recommended to: Investors who would like to achieve consistent high returns in the middle and long term with a balanced portfolio by investing in capital market instruments.

A-Type Stock Funds

Portfolio Composition: Minimum 51 % stocks, 0-49 % fixed income securities.
Recommended to: Investors who would like to benefit from the long-term high-return potential of stocks.

A-Type ISE (Istanbul Stock Exchange) National 100 Index Fund

Portfolio Composition: minimum 80 % ISE-100 stocks. The performance of the fund is 90 % parallel to the monthly performance of the ISE-100.
Recommended to: Investors who would like to get returns akin to the ISE-100 Index under a professional management.

B-Type Bond & Bill Funds

Portfolio Composition:51-100 % treasury bills and government bonds. Consistent with changing economic and market conditions, t-bills and government bonds that would bring the highest returns in the middle term are chosen.
Recommended to: Investors who would like to invest in treasury bills and government bonds.

B Type Variable Funds

Portfolio Composition: 0-100 % any kind of investment tool. (Mainly repo, maximum 25 % t-bills/government bonds and stocks depending on market conditions)
Recommended to: Investors who would like to get maximum returns in the short-term by making use of opportunities in changing market conditions.

B Type Liquid Fund

Portfolio Composition: Treasury bills with less than 90 days left to the date of maturity.
Recommended to: Investors who want consistent/stable returns by investing in repo.

Treasury Bills-Government Bonds

Treasury Bills are issued by the Turkish Republic's Treasury and have maturities shorter than one year. Government bonds are debt securities indexed to foreign currencies and have maturities of 1 year and longer.

Click here for detailed information about Investment Products. (Turkish)

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