10 Million TL support to solidarity against Coronavirüs | DenizBank

10 Million TL support to solidarity against Coronavirüs

Parallel to the fight against COVID-19 pandemic, we take all kinds of precautions in a fast manner against situations that might be risky for the health of community in 81 cities of Turkey, with our approximately 14 thousand employees. In these days, we have been showing maximum effort from the first day to ensure that our customers and employees overcome the process with minimum damage in more than 700 branches.

With this opportunity, we extend our sincere thanks to our branch employees who put their health aside, similar to health care staff, and realize salary transactions of pensioners and producer payments of our farmers and meet the needs of both SMEs and retail customers.

In addition to steps and precautions we have taken, we would like to bring to the public attention that we have allocated 10 million TL with an aim of contributing to supply of health tools as well as the financial and food aids.

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