Agriculture Banking | DenizBank

Dairy Loans Agriculture Tools and Machinery Loans Üretici Kart

Document issued by the Cattle Growers Association indicating animals grown and membership Photocopies of property titles by the applicant and guarantor Documentation about any restrictions on the properties of the applicant and the guarantor If the land at issue for the loan belongs to family members, photocopies of property titles of family members Photocopy of the Tractor and vehicle license (if any) Photocopies of id cards of the applicant and guarantors Signature circular of the applicant and the guarantor

The applicant has to: Be a member of the Cattle Growers Association at least for six months and be supervised by the association Deliver milk to a cooperative regularly Have at least 10 dairy cows Have at least 1 “dekar” (1000 square meters) land per dairy cow Possess sufficient knowledge and at least two years experience in the particular field of animal husbandry that he operates Employ a veterinary or use the veterinary services of the association

Interest Rate: Monthly 2,40 % Filing Fee: 75 YTL Life Insurance: 50 % more than the loan amount. Premium rate 0.8 %. Animal Life Insurance: 2.6 % of the life insurance cost per animal.

Documentation of Farming Photocopies of property titles by the applicant and guarantor Documentation about any restrictions on the properties of the applicant and the guarantor If the land at issue for the loan belongs to family members photocopies of property titles of family members Photocopy of the Tractor and vehicle license (if any) Photocopies of id cards of the applicant and guarantors Signature circular of the applicant and the guarantor

New and second-hand tractors (0-6 years) are included. 70 % of the invoice value of the tractor including VAT is financed. (for second-hand vehicles, 70 % of the insurance value is financed). For other agriculture tools and machinery, 70 % of the invoice value including VAT is financed.

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